
Sign up official agent now Jitu Property

Benefits as an official agent

  1. Agent can get prospective buyers from Jitu Property in the area you registered. You get 70% commission and sure 30%.
  2. Your listing will be advertised for free. If closing yourself, you don't need to share commissions with Jitu. If another agent closes, you get 30% commission and closing agent 40%.
  3. You can use the Jitu platform as a showcase listing FREE of charge. Listing is valid throughout Indonesia.
  4. Get advanced leads and statistics from the Jitu Property application.

This is 10 Reasons why agent property switches to Sharp Applications. Remember we are here to help you get a lot of CLOSING. Jitu Properti is the only DIGITAL PROPERTY in Indonesia.

Make Sure It's Filled First Name
Make Sure It's Filled Last Name
Make Sure It's Filled Birth place
Make Sure It's Filled Birth date
Make sure phone number is active, we will send OTP to verify
Make Sure It's Filled Password
Password minimum has 8 character
Make Sure It's Filled Confirm Password
Password did not match
Please Upload File
Make Sure It's Filled Last education
Upload photo profile
List all language skills mastered. The system will be used to match the preferences of prospective buyers who require other languages such as English
Make Sure It's Filled Language ability
Will be used by the system to introduce you to potential buyers. Write briefly and concisely to introduce yourself as a competent Agent
Make Sure It's Filled Agent's Profile
Make sure your cellphone is active, we will send an OTP for verification. Use this cellphone number to log in to the Jitu Property Mobile application. So that agents don't lose the opportunity to get potential buyers, agents must download the Jitu Property Mobile application
Make Sure It's Filled Phone Number The phone number is too long. Maximum 13 digits The phone number is too short. Minimum 9 digits
Please enter a valid email
Make Sure It's Filled Gender

Desired operating area

The system matches potential buyers in the region to you. Maximum 3 regions only.
State doesn't have city
Please select the operating area. Maximum 3 areas


Experience as agent (year)
Please Upload File

Thank you for wanting to become a Jitu Property agent. Then we will check and verify your data and profile. Our coordinating agent will contact you via a notification on the Jitu Property application on your cellphone.