
Sign up listing officer now Earn certain income every month

Listing officer job is only search property (house, land, apartment, office) for sale or rent and input that to Jitu Property smartphone application. You just need permission from property owner to verifiy your income. You can earn cash IDR 100.000 every approved property. Let's go, only for first 1000 property.

Please fill form below to join:

Make Sure It's Filled First Name
Make Sure It's Filled Last Name
Make sure phone number is active, we will send OTP to verify
Make Sure It's Filled Password
Password minimum has 8 character
Make Sure It's Filled Confirm Password
Password did not match
You will be earn money by the same ID card data
Make Sure It's Filled ID Card Number
Please Upload File
Make sure your cellphone is active, we will send an OTP for verification. Use this cellphone number to log in to the Jitu Property Mobile application.
Make Sure It's Filled Phone Number The phone number is too long. Maximum 13 digits The phone number is too short. Minimum 9 digits
Upload photo profile
Please enter a valid email
Make Sure It's Filled Gender
Make Sure It's Filled State
Make Sure It's Filled City


Benefit of being Listing Officer

Earn daily reward

Every property that you input, you will get cash money

Free, no charge for everything

You will be not charge for everything, no register fee.

Only 5 minutes to input property data

You only need property information, photo dan permission from owner.

Property owner can monitor directly

Marketing process can be monitor by owner through application dashboard. Marketing propety will be online via Jitu Property application.

Get many relationship with home owner

You will directly help home owner to get buyer.

Jitu Property is certified property agent

Our agent will best service for helping customer or property owner to do legal transaction.