Jual Cepat Rumah Minimalis Modern Di Perum Gama Permai Pekalongan
Jual Cepat Rumah Minimalis Modern Di Perum Gama Permai Pekalongan
Jual Cepat Rumah Minimalis Modern Di Perum Gama Permai Pekalongan
Jual Cepat Rumah Minimalis Modern Di Perum Gama Permai Pekalongan
Jual Cepat Rumah Minimalis Modern Di Perum Gama Permai Pekalongan
Jual Cepat Rumah Minimalis Modern Di Perum Gama Permai Pekalongan
Jual Cepat Rumah Minimalis Modern Di Perum Gama Permai Pekalongan
Jual Cepat Rumah Minimalis Modern Di Perum Gama Permai Pekalongan
Jual Cepat Rumah Minimalis Modern Di Perum Gama Permai Pekalongan
Jual Cepat Rumah Minimalis Modern Di Perum Gama Permai Pekalongan
Jual Cepat Rumah Minimalis Modern Di Perum Gama Permai Pekalongan
Jual Cepat Rumah Minimalis Modern Di Perum Gama Permai Pekalongan
Jual Cepat Rumah Minimalis Modern Di Perum Gama Permai Pekalongan
Jual Cepat Rumah Minimalis Modern Di Perum Gama Permai Pekalongan
Jual Cepat Rumah Minimalis Modern Di Perum Gama Permai Pekalongan
Jual Cepat Rumah Minimalis Modern Di Perum Gama Permai Pekalongan
Jual Cepat Rumah Minimalis Modern Di Perum Gama Permai Pekalongan

Jual Cepat Rumah Minimalis Modern Di Perum Gama Permai Pekalongan

Jalan Syailendra, No. 19, Bendan Kergon, Pekalongan Barat, Pekalongan, Jawa Tengah, 51118

Sale IDR 650 M IDR 750 M Negotiable Offer

Property price below market price

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Power Supply

2200 watt


3152 times

About this property

Rumah minimalis modern dengan lokasi strategis ditengah kota Pekalongan.

Tepatnya di Perum. Gama Permai Jl. Syailendra No.19 Bendan Kergon Pekalongan Barat.

Lokasi dibelakang kampus Unikal sangat cocok untuk hunian dan kos-kosan

Lokasi dekat kantor PEMKOT Pekalongan

Lokasi dekat RSUD. Bendan Pekalongan

Lokasi dekat Stasiun KA Pekalongan

Lokasi dekat sekolahan TK, SD, SMP, SMK

Akses jalan mudah dan sarana transportasi terhubung dengan jalan Nasional (Pantura)

Tanah bersertifikat Hak Milik (SHM)

Luas tanah 125 m2

Luas bangunan 125 m2

Kamar tidur 2 + 1

Kamar mandi 1

Kitchen set


Listrik 2200 watt

Air sumur

AC 3 unit

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Additional information

Property ID
Listing Date
10 November 2022 (2 year ago)
Purchase Method
Market Price
IDR 750,000,000
Sales Price
IDR 650,000,000
Land Size
125 m2
Building Size
125 m2
Negotiable Status

Feature and Facility

  • Air conditioner (AC)


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House for sale in Pekalongan Barat, Pekalongan

House for sale in Jalan Syailendra, Bendan Kergon, Pekalongan Barat, Pekalongan, Jawa Tengah, Facing South, Tenure Freehold, Building Size 125 m2, Land Size 125 m2, 3 Bedroom, 1 Bethroom, 1 Carport, Power Supply 2200 watt, Sales Price IDR 650 M Negotiable

Jual Cepat Rumah Minimalis Modern Di Perum Gama Permai Pekalongan. Find your dream Property in Jitu Property. Jitu Property is a certified property agent and the only one who develops a Digital Property platform that can simplify and speed up the property transaction process (Sell, Buy, Rent, and Funding).

We have a mission to unite and enhance collaboration among agents. You can create ads to market your property for free. You will also receive weekly reports on your ad performance such as the number of views, likes, incoming messages, incoming offers, and requests to visit your property.


10 years
Property Price
Amount of Loan
Total Loan Amount
Interest Amount
Property Price
Amount of Loan
Amount of income used for payments
120 bulan (10 year)
Total Loan Amount
Interest Amount

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