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Sale Offer Negotiable 5 month









500/5555 m 2









Power Supply

16500 watt


418 times


SPBU Aktif Raya Gresik Lamongan Strategis Dekat Pintu Tol & Icon Mall. LT 5555. Dimensi 50 x 110. Hadap Utara. SHM Row jalan 4 mobil. Kamar Mandi 2 + air PDAM. Akses Kontainer 40ft. Strategis Komersial area, dekat Pintu Tol dan Icon Mall Gresik.

Omset :

• Bio solar : 15 Ton/hari

• Pertalite : 2 Ton/hari

• Pertamax : 400 L/hari

• Dex : 200 L/hari

Fasilitas :

• 4 Mesin Dispenser

• 7 Tangki Pendam

• 2 Set CCTV

Jual 30M nego.

Additional information

Property ID


Listing Date

9 September 2024 (5 month ago)

Year of Build


Purchase Method


Market Price

IDR 32,000,000,000

Sales Price

IDR 30,000,000,000

Land Size

5555 m 2

Building Size

500 m 2

Negotiable Status





Partially Furnished

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