Jalan Raya Cilincing, RT 01/RW 09, Semper Timur, Cilincing, Jakarta Utara, DKI Jakarta, 10230
IDR 7,224 B
IDR 7,74 B
Property price below market price
0/1032 m 2
Right to Build
1145 times
Termurah Dijual Tanah Di Raya Cilincing Jakarta Utara Strategis
Dekat Pelabuhan Tanjung Priok Dan Tol Cakung
Harga Jual : 7 Jt/m2 Nego
Luas Tanah : 1.032 M2
Dimensi Tanah : L 15 M X P 52 M
Bentuk Tanah : Kotak ( Melebar Ke Belakang )
Lokasi : Jl. Raya Cilincing Jakarta Utara
Lokasi Sangat Strategis Di Pinggir Jalan Utama Dekat Tol Cakung
Dekat Pintu Tol Baru - Cibitung Cilincing
Dekat Pelabuhan Tg. Priok
Dekat Pelabuhan dan KBN Marunda / KBN Cakung
Kondisi Tanah : Padat Siap Pakai dan Sudah Tembok Keliling
Akses Jalan : Dua Arah Bisa Trailer 40 Feet dan Alat Berat
Zonasi Peruntukan : Industri dan Pegudangan
Sangat Cocok Untuk :
- Ruko Gudang,
- Gudang,
- Showroom,
- Bengkel,
- Office Building Dll
Surat : SHGB
Property ID
Listing Date
30 January 2024 (1 year ago)
Purchase Method
Market Price
IDR 7,740,000,000
Sales Price
IDR 7,224,000,000
Land Size
1032 m 2
Negotiable Status
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Land for sale in Jalan Raya Cilincing, RT 01/RW 09, Semper Timur, Cilincing, Jakarta Utara, DKI Jakarta, Facing South, Tenure Right to Build, Land Size 1,032 m2, Sales Price IDR 7,224 B Negotiable
Cocok Untuk Gudang Dijual Tanah di Cilincing Jakarta Utara 1.000 m2. Find your dream Property in Jitu Property. Jitu Property is a certified property agent and the only one who develops a Digital Property platform that can simplify and speed up the property transaction process (Sell, Buy, Rent, and Funding).
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