
Jitu Property

Jual, Beli, Sewa & Bridging

Selling property is easier with DIGITAL PROPERTY.
Get lots of leads and sell quickly.

Market your property at Jitu Property.
Handled directly by a competent agent and the property sells quickly.

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Welcome to Jitu Property

Certified property agent and the only one who develops a Digital Property platform that can simplify and speed up the property transaction process (Sell, Buy, Rent, and Funding)

Trulli Trulli Trulli

Visi Misi Jitu Digital Property


To become global player in Digital Property


Deploy technology to enhance and support property transaction

Become a trusted party for all (property market place)

Support free usage platform for all parties

Support government property initiative, Arebi or LSP-Area

Unify and promote collaboration among agents

Why Choose

Every day thousands of buyersare passed directly to agents
Every day thousands of buyers
are passed directly to agents for follow up.
No double listings!1X listing in the system. Commission guaranteed
No double listings!
1X listing in the system. Commission guaranteed. No copy & paste other properties. It's easier to manage your listings on web or mobile.
Over 1.4 million Visitors.
Over 1.4 million Visitors. Agents can buy directly from Jitu.
More than 1.4 million pages read.
More than 1.4 million pages read.

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